Wednesday, 6 May 2009

cops off bikes.

this article caught my attention this week. Some people say it's madness, that it's PC gone mad and the nanny state is on the rides. Personally, after witnessing the shocking cycling skills displayed by the law I think that no police or community support officer should ever be allowed to even look at a bike without training. Remember, many people think that coppers set an example for the rest of us to follow, so when they see a copper wobbling all over the road, behaving timidly in traffic, or riding on the pavement (I've seen it. They can't get from Stockport Road to Plymouth grove without using it.), they think that that's how all cyclists are supposed to ride. This is a dangerous attitude and I believe contributes to some of the beeping and shouting that goes on when cyclists exercise their rights (i.e. not riding in the gutter.)

I used to teach cycling proficiency to 11 year olds, so I know a bit about what I am talking about.
The worst thing you can do is cycle timidly and defensively. You need to be assertive and confident and these coppers are not. Hopefully the situation will improve. Doubt it though.

By they way, you'll never catch anyone riding those crappy mountain bikes.

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